Communications Workers of America
Local 4603
6511 W. Bluemound Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53213
Office: (414) 258-4010
Fax: (414) 258-8542

** TEXT "follow @milwcwa4603" TO 40404 FOR AT&T MOBILIZATION UPDATES**
Committee Chairs can be contacted at the Local, unless a number is listed for them.
Anyone interested in serving on a committee should contact the committee chair.
If you're interested in chairing a committee, contact President Greg Tennyson.
Committee Chairs are appointed by President Tennyson in January.
2024 Committees and Chairs:
If the committee name is highlighted below, click on it for more information.
If the committee name is not highlighted call the local at 414-258-4010 for information.
Kwami Barnes
This committee is required by the CWA Constitution to review the Local's financial statements and records
Building Committee
Greg Tennyson
Mira Radulovic
The purpose of this committee is to assist members and their families receiving services which are available
to them from the Local and the Community.
Rich Hinderholtz
This committee is responsible for the layout, printing and distribution of the Local Newsletter - The Wiretap.
Any member may submit items for consideration. You can e-mail articles to wiretap@cwa4603.com.
Dru Zellmer
This committee is charged with assisting officers in training and education of stewards and members.
Carrie Dercola
The purpose of this committee is to handle all elections of the Local including absentee ballots and coverage
of polling locations.
Shawne Stephens
The responsibility of this committee is to ensure the involvement of the Local in affairs pertaining to
women and ethnic groups both within the company and the community at large.
Finance Committee
Kwami Barnes
The committee's purpose is to examine and help guide the Local's financial position and to prepare an
Annual Financial Budget to meet the Local's needs.
Louria Jewett
This committee is active in voter registration programs and advises the membership on pending legislation
which is relative to our members.
Carrie Dercola
The committee is responsible for developing and coordinating activities for mobilizing the membership.
CWA Strong/Next Generation Committee
Louria Jewett
To develop and mentor the next generation of leaders within our union.
Occupational Training Committee
Greg Tennyson
The purpose of this committee is to conduct appropriate training sessions to prepare
members for job qualification tests.
Greg Tennyson
This committee has the responsibility of assisting with organizing all non-Union employees within the Local's jurisdiction.
Recreation Committee
Josh Bailey
This committee is responsible for all athletic programs of the Local.
Dru Zellmer
The committee is charged with keeping the membership informed on current regulations concerning safety
requirements of the federal an State Government agencies.
This committee plans all of the Local's social functions
Work Protection Committee
Greg Tennyson
The committee is charged with regaining traditional work lost to outside contractors and
prevent erosion of future work.